Pomoč britanskim kolegom je tudi pomoč slovenskemu izobraževanju odraslih
Na Andragoško društvo Slovenije, na njegovo vodstvo je bilo naslovljeno pismo, s katerim so avtorji zaprosili za pomoč slovenskih kolegov, kajti želijo ohraniti Vaughan College, simbol in steber izobraževanja odraslih v mestu Leicester in regiji. Ta kolegij oziroma center je dočakal častitljivih 160 let. V vsem času so mu naklanjali mesto, ki mu pripada in res, dokaj nerazumljivo se nam je zdelo, nam v Andragoškem društvu Slovenije in drugod, da se institucija ukinja, zdaj, ko jo najbolj potrebujejo. Danes tehnologija ne določa uspešnosti ustanove ali podjetja. Uspešno je podjetje le toliko kot so uspešni zaposleni in sodelavci. Edina razločevalna prednost so torej ljudje, če se nenehno izobražujejo. Odločevalci morajo biti neustrezno samozavestni, da z enim zamahom pometejo, kar so drugi ustvarjali stoletje in več. Številni podporniki z domačih tal in inozemstva smo se zavzeli za ohranitev centra in prišel je vesel dan. Sporočili so nam, da so naše utemeljitve sprejete in center ostaja. ADS je prejelo zahvalo Alana Tucketta in Sue Waddington ter drugih. V nadaljevanju objavljamo pismo naslovljeno na prorektorja Univerze v Leicestru.
To the attention of Paul Boyle, vice-chancellor of the University of Leicester
Dear Sir,
Each time we were in Leicester we were impressed by the provision of adult education opportunties and considerable support given to them in your region and town.
In the last years we have collaborated with colleagues, late Prof. John Benyon and others, to build the international ForAge network of researchers and practitioners specialised in education of older people which by this day has remained a unique enterprise of its kind and nature. Owing to the long tradition our British colleagues have in the field, our efforts were rather successful.
It is with deep consternation that we have learned about the intended closure of the Vaughan College, the symbol and pillar of adult education in Leicester. Moreover, we have difficulties understanding why such decision in the times when continuously educated adults and employees are the only distinctive advantage countries, companies and institutions have. We can tell from experience how easy it is to put an end to any long lasting efforts and activities ,while it is practically impossible to rebuild what was ended.
On behalf of Slovenian Adult EducationbAssociation, Slovenian adult educators and institutions, we would appreciate your reconsidering the decision. Closing the Vaughan College would have regional but also considerable international repercussions.
Best regards,
Dušana Findeisen
Head of the Institute for Research and Development of Education
Slovenian Third Age University